Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Just Got Your Email

MRSMOM1953 [12:47 P.M.]: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tube is just getting so our paper they now have a listing of the top 5 you tube videos for the week, just like the top 5 movies, songs, video's crazy...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

re: icky

Meamasque [9:27 P.M.]: dear son, surely i misread the word "icky" in the article about amy winehouse. that disease is painful on many levels. the word "icky" made me think i was reading something from a grocery store tabloid. love, mom

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Something is wrong!

It's me. How do I forward a reply????

Our Neew Couch Is Rad

MRSMOM1953 [10:41 A.M.]: hi,
dad and i are planning on coming to visit next this ok...if so. let me know...also ..let john and marge know so they can join us for dinner somewhere...i can't wait to see you guys, and youyr neew couch and all of your wedding gifts...
i also would like a short trip to the malls...i want to go to the skecher's store there...
have a good day, bye, love mom

You Learn Something New Every Day

kelly654 [3:41 P.M.]: just reading the ny times and read something i could not believe; 1 in every 100 adult americans is in jail!! that is kind of amazing, don't ya think?